摘要:The paper deals with differences of characteristics in agricultural and forest soil. Study areas are in Training Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest Křtiny (Školní lesní podník Masarykův les Křtiny) in Brno. In TFE was choose five areas with slightly different soil type, climate conditions, height above sea level and type of land-use. In these five areas was specified 30m long line transect that crosses agriculture and forest land. The line transect includes 11 sampling points for laboratory testing soil samples for different soil characteristics, e.g. humic acid to a flu-vic acid ratio (HA/FA) or maximum capillary water capacity and minimum air capacity. The line transect was perpendicular to the line of ecotone. Acquired soil data from the laboratory was processed in GIS software, specifically in Esri ArcGIS. It was created series of the maps for every sampling area for every month in vegetation season (March - October). Sampling points was interpolated by Inverse Weight Distance and Ordinary Kriging. Because line transect created interpolation line, the point surroundings was extrapolated by 3m.