摘要:AbstractHybrid power plants with renewable sources, having different frequencies and voltages of generated electricity, require coordination of its parameters on the basis of semiconductor converters. This causes the appearance of current and voltage harmonics in the electrical network. Analysis of the power characteristics of a hybrid power plant based on mathematical modeling will allow one to properly develop the power plant structure and select the parameters of the individual elements of its power part and control system. The article is devoted to the application of mathematical modeling for the analysis of the generated energy quality of a tidal power station with auxiliary diesel and wind units. The mathematical models for the analysis of the power indices of a tidal power station with diesel-wind aggregates are presented. Various designs of a power electrical part based on power electronic converters of electric power parameters having a microprocessor control system are considered. A detailed possibility analysis of the tidal aggregates operating modes is illustrated.
关键词:Mathematical model;Tidal power station;Diesel generator;Wind power unit;Synchronous machine;Power indices