摘要:AbstractThe present study was carried out to understand the relative influence of governing factors on slopes having potential plane mode of failure. For the present study secondary data for seventeen slope sections having potential plane mode of failure was procured from varied geological and geographical environment. The governing factors that were considered for statistical analysis are; slope-angle (αf), upper-slope angle (αs), dip of potential failure plane (αp), dip of tension-crack (αt), slope-height (h), cohesion (C), angle of friction (φ) and height of the water in tension-crack (Zw). Initially, factor of safety (FoS) was determined for all possible anticipated adverse conditions to which slopes may be subjected. Later, sensitivity analysis was undertaken to know the relative importance of the governing factors on FoS. Further, one-way Analysis-of-Variance (ANOVA) was applied to examine the statistical significance of these governing factors on FoS under static and dynamic conditions. The results clearly showed that all the slope sections are unstable when saturated under static and dynamic conditions. Further, statistical analysis results showed that all considered governing factors are statistically significant for slope stability assessment however; their relative importance varies from one slope type to another. In terms of order of importance, factors ‘αp’, ‘Zw’, ‘αf’ and ‘h’ revealed as the most significant factors while factors ‘αt’, ‘φ’, ‘αs’ and ‘C’, though significant but are relatively lower in the order of importance. The relative order of importance deduced from sensitivity analysis may be helpful in decision making to workout optimum stabilization measure for a particular slope.
关键词:Rock slope stability;Plane failure;Factor of safety;Sensitivity analysis;Analysis of variance