摘要:Abstract. Global surface temperature (ST) datasets are the foundation for globalclimate change research. Several global ST datasets have been developed bydifferent groups in NOAA NCEI, NASA GISS, UK Met Office Hadley Centre UEA CRU,and Berkeley Earth. In this study, a new global ST datasetnamed China Merged Surface Temperature (CMST) was presented. CMST is created bymerging the China-Land Surface Air Temperature (C-LSAT1.3) with sea surfacetemperature (SST) data from the Extended Reconstructed Sea SurfaceTemperature version 5 (ERSSTv5). The merge of C-LSAT and ERSSTv5 shows ahigh spatial coverage extended to the high latitudes and is more consistentwith a reference of multi-dataset averages in the polar regions. Comparisonsindicated that CMST is consistent with other existing global ST datasets ininterannual and decadal variations and long-term trends at global, hemispheric,and regional scales from 1900 to 2017. The CMST dataset can be used forglobal climate change assessment, monitoring, and detection. The CMSTdataset presented here is publicly available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.901295 (Li, 2019a) and has beenpublished on the Climate Explorer website of the Royal NetherlandsMeteorological Institute (KNMI) at http://climexp.knmi.nl/select.cgi?id=someone@somewherefield=cmst (last access: 11 August 2018; Li, 2019b, c).