期刊名称:International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design Association
摘要:We developed a game called Locomo de Balamingo to improve assertiveness and sustainability of participants at theStanding Exercise with Eyes Open training, which is used for the prevention of locomotive syndrome. This trainingrequires participants to balance on a single foot, keeping their eyes open for 60 s, three times for each foot with the aim ofkeeping their bones, joints, and muscles healthy. The subjects comprise healthy elderly persons. A Windows PC andMicrosoft Kinect were used for human movement sensing to conduct this game. In this paper, we discuss the interface andgame design of Locomo de Balamingo and describe its application in the training of elderly people. Moreover, in thecase of healthcare games targeting elderly persons who do not have enough experience in using digital games, we aim toidentify those aspects of game design, including failure experiences, graphics, and music, that are effective in enhancingthe participants’ assertiveness and sustainability. Verification shows that although graphics with relatively bright andeasy-to-understand scenes are preferred, some participants reported that they do not remember the graphics, or they do notparticularly care about them. Thus, it is concluded that any scene can be invoked provided that the pattern does not give asense of discomfort. The game design presented an intuitive interface using simple body movements, which functionedeffectively. The addition of failure experience can also be considered an effective means of improving assertiveness. Insummary, many instances of positive feedback were received from elderly participants, indicating that the game is usefulin promoting the health of elderly people.