摘要:In this paper, we describe an improvement to AirTransNote, a student note-sharing system that facilitates collaborative and interactive learning during a regular lecture in conventional classrooms. The former AirTransNote system employed ultrasonic pens and PDAs for collecting student notes on paper sheets. However, this process required special skills and posed difficulties for learners. We then introduced Anoto-based pens to reduce these difficulties, and compared this with the former system during experimental lectures. We confirmed that the simplicity and stability of the Anoto-based pen facilitates active participation of low-performing students, while high-performing students felt less uneasy about the system checking their notes. The original system also required teachers to manage the relationship between a pen ID, a learner, and a seat position. To resolve this difficulty, we developed an instant sheet-mapping method. This method utilizes learners' signatures on a special seat-map sheet, and dynamically relates the pen IDs and the seat positions with the signatures. We conducted an experimental lecture session at an elementary school, and confirmed that this method functions effectively with younger school children.