摘要:In this paper, we study a scalar linearly growing backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE) with an $L\exp{\left (\!\!\sqrt {{2\over \lambda }\log {(1+L)}}\,\right )} $-integrable terminal value. We prove that a BSDE admits a solution if the terminal value satisfies the preceding integrability condition with the positive parameter $\lambda $ being less than a critical value $\lambda _0$, which is weaker than the usual $L^p$ ($p>1$) integrability and stronger than $L\log L$ integrability. We show by a counterexample that the conventionally expected $L\log L$ integrability and even the preceding integrability for $\lambda >\lambda _0$ are not sufficient for the existence of solution to a BSDE with a linearly growing generator.