摘要:This paper proposes a methodology to select an expert for the development of humanitarian and social projects based on multi-criteria decision-making with incomplete information relations to add more objectivity to the recruitment process. The proposed approach starts with assessing the decision makers (DMs) by means of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Then, Analytic Network Process (ANP) is used to weigh the criteria in order to take into account the interdependencies between criteria. In the recruiting process, an expert could be unable to assess all criteria. Therefore, the incomplete preference relations is used when a DM is unable to express his judgment. At a later stage, Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is addressed to rank the different candidates. The proposed methodology is applied to a situation where an extra DM evaluates four DMs, and six criteria are used to select one candidate among five. The obtained criteria weights and the final ranking of the candidates are analysed and compared to an approach where there is no lack of information in the decision maker’s preferences.