摘要:The current special issue of Agenda on‘Southern Feminisms’ was catalysed by anongoing need to disinvest from feministtheory and thinking set by the Global North(Mohanty, 1986; 2002). Still more recently,editors of the Feminist Theory special issueon ‘Feminist Theory and the Global South’,Raewyn Connell and Celia Roberts, have sur-mised that the global knowledge economycontinues to privilege Northern feministtheory. Yet, in fact, there is a long andaugust history of feminist thought and acti-vism from the Global South that, despitenot being fully recognised in the Northernand Western academy, continues to prolifer-ate and demand an accounting for andengaged analysis. Accordingly, decolonialand Southern feminists frequently arguefor moving “the locus of enunciation”,which Ramon Grosfoguel defines as the“geo-political and body-political location ofthe subject that speaks” (2007:213). Thisinvolves re-centring the practices and dis-courses that originate in the Global Southin order to even out the epistemologicalinequality that pertains between the GlobalSouth and North, and more importantly, tohighlight the challenges faced and strategiesdeveloped by Southern feminists. This inturn, necessitates taking up Mohanty’s callto enact “noncolonizing feminist solidarityacross borders” (2002:503), and respondingto Laura Perez’s question, “What does itmean to engage in decolonizing coalitionsthat take feminist queer of color criticalthought seriously as central to the work ofdecolonization?” (2010:122).