摘要:Education 4.0 is a new educational paradigm that intends toaddress the needs and potentialities of the fourth industrial revolution.Education 4.0 builds on the concept of learning by doing, in which students areencouraged to learn and discover different things in singular ways based onexperimentation. This study intends to analyze the role of emergingtechnologies like serious games and industry 4.0 in the transformation ofeducation 4.0 in higher education. A qualitative methodology was employed basedon 25 case studies of innovative projects in Portuguese higher educationinstitutions. The results indicate a residual adoption of serious games andgamification approaches only appear in less than 20% of the projects. It was also possible to identify that most projects involveseveral stakeholders such as teachers, students and university managers, andtypically involve multidisciplinary competencies fields. The main benefitsbrought to the education context include greater involvement of students inprojects, development of their skills and its application in a real context. Onthe other hand, the main challenges are the simplification of the real worldmade by these applications, the difficulties inherent to their inclusion in thedidactical system and the limited capacities to offer greater interactivitywithout predefined external stimuli.