摘要:Gastronomyeducation in Turkey is given under the names of “food and beverage management”and “gastronomy and culinary arts” in degree programs and “culinary” inassociate degree programs. In these sections where students are active in asignificant part of the educational process, the physical facilities,curriculum, lecturer, student and database dimensions are important indetermining the quality of education. In this research, it is aimed to evaluatethe quality of gastronomy education at the higher education level in Turkey. Inthis direction, the questionnaire method was used for data collection. Thesequestionnaires were sent all gastronomy lecturers and the students includingprivate universities in Turkey. 400 students and 102 academics a total of 502questionnaires have returned and taken into consideration. The obtained datawere analyzed with SPSS packet program. Analised results present veryinteresting findings about the quality of gastronomy education at highereducation level in Turkey. It is seen that the physical facilities, databasesand curriculum offered during the education in these sections do not satisfyboth the academicians and the students and are not sufficient. In addition,quality of gastronomy education scores show meaningful and significantdifferences according to the type of university trained and the degree of education.
关键词:Culinary;Food and Beverage Management;Gastronomy;Gastronomy Education;Quality