摘要:The aim of this studyis to identify the decision-making skills of the high school studentsparticipating in school sports activities. The sample of the study consisted of221 (n=96 girls and n=125 boys) volunteer students studying in 4 different highschools affiliated to Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of National Education in2017-2018 academic year. The students participating in the study were dividedinto 3 different age groups. 49.3% (n=109) of the students are in the 14-15 agegroup, 35.7% (n=79) are in the 16-17 age group and 14.9% (n= 33) are in the18-19 age group. "Melbourne Decision-Making Questionnaire" which wasdeveloped by Mann, Burnett, Radford and Ford (16) and whose validity andreliability in Turkish were carried out by Deniz (9) was used in the identificationof decision-making skills of the students. The data obtained from thequestionnaire were evaluated in SPSS 22.0 package program at 95% confidenceinterval and 0.05 significance level. In this study, the effect of two or moreindependent variables on more than one dependent variable was determined bytwo-way MANOVA analysis. In the statistical analyses, it was found that therewas no interaction between the dependent variables (F(15, 577,36)=.86, p>0.05)and there was a statistically significant difference between theself-confidence, which is one of the sub-dimensions of the decision-making, andgrade variable (F(3,213)=2.85,pF(1,213)=7.18,p<.05). According to the findings obtained from the study, it wasconcluded that the highest mean value obtained from the decision-making stylesof the students who participated in the school sports activities belonged toPart I “self-confidence", and also the self-confidence of the 12th gradestudents was higher than the 9th grade students. Anotherresult obtained from the study is that the students who are interested in teamsports have higher self-confidence than the students who are interested inindividual sports. As a result of the evaluation, the fact that the studentsparticipating in the study adopted the style "Self-Esteem(Self-Confidence) in Decision-Making" at the most supports the hypothesisof this study.
关键词:decision-making;high school student;school sport activities