摘要:The study has been conducted in order to scrutinizethe factors affecting the participation of women doing sports and not doingsports in sportive events.The population of the study is constituted by SelcukUniversity, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Uludağ University, and GaziUniversity, with the thought that we can find the individuals from all sectionsof the Turkish society all together and its sampling group consists of thefemale students studying at those universities.The data were obtained from written sources and bymeans of the questionnaire method. A questionnaire oriented to the objectivehas been developed. The understandability of the questionnaire as well as thevalidity and reliability of its scope were ensured. The questionnaire’sCronbachAlpha reliability coefficient was found as 0,60. The coefficient is avalid coefficient according to the researchers as well. The questionnaires werefilled in through one-to-one discussions in the sampling group by means of the randomsampling method. Total 828 women, being 538 doing sports and 290 not doingsports, took part in the study in its state mentioned above.The data obtained were transferred to the computerenvironment for statistical transaction. As the statistical process, theChi-Square test processes were conducted for identifying the frequency, %,Crosstab, and differences. In the determination of the differences, 0,05 wasaccepted as the level of significance.Upon the assessment of the data obtained, it was determinedthat the factors affecting women’sparticipation in sportive events are religious reasons, family pressure,government policy, the fact the somebranches of sports are not suitable for the physical properties of women, thefact that sportive events inflict damage on their beauties, presence of nosuitable areas and venues to perform sports, and the inability of sportsculture to take place within the society etc. and that significant differences are present atthe 0,05 statistical significance level in the views of the women doing sportsand not doing sports in regards to some questions.We can conclude that there are religious, familial,political, physiological, cultural, and spatial factors affecting theparticipation of women in sportive events. .