摘要:The aim of this study is to determine, on the basis ofperformance levels, running pace profiles of the male runners (n=2095) whocompleted the 40th International Istanbul Marathon in less than 6 hours. While0-35 km of the marathon was divided into 5 km long sections, 35-42.2 km of itwas determined as the last segment which was 7.2 km. The average speeds of therunning pace of the athletes in the determined segments were calculated.Performance groups were evaluated in 8 different groups with the athletescompleting the race in the finishing time slower than the winner’s race time. The difference between performance groups andsuccessive segments was evaluated with Mixed Anova. The results of the Mixed Anova analysis showed thatthere were statistically significant differences between inter-segments raceprofiles depending on the performance level (ppp<0.05).In the last 7.2 km segment, it was observed that the athletes with the highestlevel of performance had a decrease in pace and the rate of decrease in thepace was lower in the groups with lower performance level. Only in the slowestgroup of athletes, the pace was observed to increase in the last segment.Considering the whole race, it was seen that the athletes showed a pace profileclose to the positive pace profile in general.