摘要:With this study, we aimed to evaluate professional and amateurathletes’ social insurances with legal aspects in Turkey.In this study -whichwas prepared by making use of descriptive analysis- related laws, regulationsand literature were reviewed and the recentsituation was demonstrated by researching the obtained resources. It’s understood that professional and amateur Athletes’ contracts are a sort of service contracts, but neither group is subject toLabor Law No. 4857, therefore they cannot demand severance pay, notice pay orannual leave; and that general and special provisions of Law on Debts No. 6098 were implemented forthe athletes who signed a contract with a club; and it is also understood thatstate athletes, jockeys and foreign athletes were subject to the Law On SocialInsurance and General Health Insurance No.5510; and that, amateur athletes who have a contract with a club were evaluated inthe scope of private health insurance, despite that, amateur athletes withoutcontract to any club aren’t subject to social insurance provisions.