摘要:Being able to examine the researchquestion of this study, whether there is a correlation between unemployment andgrowth for selected certain OECD member countries, panel data econometrics havebeen practiced. In the light of empirical findings, while there is arelationship from unemployment to growth, on the other hand, there is no linkfrom growth to unemployment has been reported. Although there is somehow a harmonywith other studies existing in the literature in this area, there has beenstill some conflicts with the rest of them. In some of the reviews, conversely ours, the link from growth tounemployment has been explicitly reported. It is thought that the distinctionbetween this study and other conflicting ones might have arisen from the sampleor the method used. It was concluded that there would be no clear dynamics ofthe relationship between unemployment and growth. Therefore, it was observedthat the selected sample and the method used were directly effective on theresults.