摘要:The low coverage of drinking water in the West Kalimantan-Indonesia region because of the limited availability of decent water as a source of drinking water is the main trigger for the community to use rainwater as a source of drinking water. The way of storing rainwater through zinc roofs and environmental pollution conditions results in rainwater being a health concern for the community because of the content of Plumbum (Pb). In this study, the characteristics of rainwater in the West Kalimantan region were investigated from rainwater collected by people from homes with zinc roofs. Rainwater samples from the collection results were analysed for the presence of Plumbum (Pb). The impact of consuming rainwater is carried out by blood Pb examination. The main problem can analyse the existence of Plumbum (Pb) in rainwater against the content of Plumbum (Pb) in the blood. The results showed that there was a correlation of Pb content in rainwater with Pb content in the blood of people who consumed rainwater as water drink (p≤0.001).
关键词:Plumbum (Pb);Rainwater;Zinc roof;Community blood;Drinking water