摘要:Urban and regional air pollution caused by PM 2.5 and other air pollutants is a major issue worldwide.Air pollution in the developing counties of Asia is especially serious. In Japan, environmental standards forPM 2.5 were established in 2009. After severe air pollution occurred around Beijing in 2013, long rangetransboundary air pollution of PM 2.5 became a public concern in Japan. Since then, much research on PM 2.5pollution has been conducted under the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund(ERTDF) funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ). This paper gives a comprehensiveoverview of the outcomes of these projects and discusses issues needing research to promote domestic andinternational PM 2.5 pollution policies. These research efforts need to be further strengthened toward solvingissues of PM 2.5 and other air pollutants.
关键词:Environment Research;Technology Development Fund(ERTDF) ; PM2.5 pollution