标题:Evaluation of Particle Resuspension and Single-layer Rates with Exposure Time and Friction Velocity for Multilayer Deposits in a Turbulent Boundary Layer
出版社:Chinese Association for Aerosol Research in Taiwan
摘要:The present work deals with the resuspension of small nondeformable particles from multilayer deposits in a turbulent boundary layer. A kinetic force-balance approach was adopted to model particle motion at the point of detachment, whereby intermolecular interactions were modeled by the Lennard-Jones potential. The rate of change of the number of particles was estimated for each discrete layer based on existing kinetic models. In particular, the kinetic equations of Lazaridis and Drossinos (1998), LD, and Friess and Yadigaroglu (2001), FY, were implemented and compared using lattice arranged deposits. The influence of exposure time and friction velocity was investigated through the obtained resuspension rates. It was found that the single-layer resuspension rates were substantially affected by the layer position within the deposit as well as considerably influenced by both the exposure time and the friction velocity. Moreover, the numerical results demonstrate that the LD kinetic estimates higher resuspension rates compared to the FY kinetic only for short exposures to the flow, predominantly due to a different expression for the fraction of exposed particles. In addition, the present study recognized the time dependence (i.e., a short-term vs. long-term regime) of the resuspension rate observed both experimentally (Wu et al., 1992; Wang et al., 2012) and by model predictions (Lazaridis and Drossinos, 1998; Friess and Yadigaroglu, 2001; Reeks and Hall, 2001) and confirmed the inverse dependence of the resuspension rate with time in long-term regime. Two regimes were also identified while evaluating the resuspension rate for a range of friction velocities, viz., a low-friction regime in which the resuspension rate increases with friction and a high-friction regime in which the opposite behaviour was observed.