摘要:Objectives. This study intends to show the evolution, recovery and the treatment in left-sided predominantlybrachial hemiparesis after ischemic stroke.Methods. This scientific approach led to a case study with a female subject aged 72 years of Bucharest.Research methods used: review of specialized literature, pedagogical observation, medical history, method of test(clinical and lab tests), KABAT method. Based on the studied medical history, the subject has the followingdiagnoses: left-sided predominantly brachial hemiparesis after ischemic stroke; recurrent paroxysmal atrialfibrillation; HBP E stage 3; IHD; left-side EDR post fracture state; state after left-sided hemiarthroplasty withMoore prosthesis on fracture of femoral neck; anxious-depressive syndrome; locomotor disability and moderate selfcare limitation. The study was conducted during the period 2007 -2016, divided into 3 stages, each one with its ownhistory of evolution, recovery and treatment. Depending on the stage of the research, the study monitored thefollowing indicators: a) Objective clinical exam (Central facial paresis, left-sided, left UL –distal pred. paretic motordeficit, brisk deep-tendon reflexes, Spasticity degree 2 fist articulation; left-side LL – paretic motor deficit, briskdeep-tendon reflexes, Babinski (+), possible to walk with a walking stick; b) Lab exam (TA, HB, HT, WBC; LYM,cholesterol, Trig., glycaemia, creatinine, lipids, urea, VSH, TGO, TGP, Urinalysis ITU with E.Coli).Results. In order to highlight the functional-clinical evolution and the stage rehabilitation treatment, the studyresults are presented in several stages with different diagnosis, rehabilitation and treatment. After the hip surgery,when she received a cemented hip prosthesis, the patient was submitted to a rehabilitation program lasting 6 weeksapproximately, similar to the previous program, but without the intended effects; the patient still has spasticity of theupper limb and the operated lower limb. Currently she is brought by her daughter for neurological reassessment.Conscious patient, transport by means of manually driven wheelchair; she needs maximum help when making thetransfers, she can sit on the side of the bed for a short time.Conclusions. We found out that the observance of the medical recommendations regarding the clinicalfunctional assessment and the stage rehabilitation treatment, consistent with the observance of a low-calorie diet andthe administration of the pharmaceutical treatment can lead to the improvement of patient’s condition.