摘要:4-H is the largest youth organization in the US,with six million participants. 4-H contributes to developing positiveleadership and life skills (LLS). The purpose of the research reported herewas to discover the essence of LLS development of 4-H youth while serving as an officer for the Georgia State Board of Directors. The population wasall 4-H state-level leaderswho served from 2016 to 2018(N=18, n=12). A qualitative phenomenological researchdesignwas usedto describe what and how participantsexperienced being in a state-level leadership role, resulting in the essence of participants’ lived experiencesin the context of LLS development. Face-to-face interviews led to texturaland structuraldescriptionsof whatparticipants experienced, resulting in the essence of the experience as a sharpening stone.Participantsgained LLS in the areas of serving others, building confidence, open-mindedness, self-awareness,motivation, communicationskills(speaking, listening, writing), personal agency, transfer of learning, and solidified college and career goals. Peer-influence was the most important factor in shaping participants’ choices to belong to 4-H and strive for leadership roles. A peer affiliated with 4-Hand serving as a leaderdeeply inspired youthto run for a state-level leadership role. Adult and peerinfluence served as the “honing process”to cultivateand sharpen LLS.
关键词:positive youth development;leadershipskill;life skill;4-Hstate-level leadership role