摘要:Urbanization and population arc increasing significantly across the world resulting in increase in vegetarian food demand and hence exposure to pesticides and pollutants. This study aimed at monitoring and assessing the levels of three groups of toxi-cants including organophosphatc pesticides (OPPs). other selective pesticides used in Saudi Arabia (SPs) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs). The study included 69 samples of 23 different species of truit and vegetables consumed in Asir region, Saudi Arabia. After extraction, clean-up and pre-concentration, the analytes were scpaiBtcd and quantified by ultra-performance liquid chromatography equipped with pho-todiode detector. The ranges of limits of detection (LOD. ^g/ml) were as follows: OPPs 0.00K-0.147. SAPs 0.006-0.619 and PCBs 0.002-0.007. Many toxicants were found < LOD. For OPPs, butachlor, metachlor and prometon were detected in few species. Simazinc and atrazinc were detected in the majority of samples (45-6000 jig/1cg). For SPs, abamectin was also detected in the majority of samples (12.18-441.0 |ig/kg). Emamcctin, profenofos and cypcnncthrin were detected in few samples. For PCBs. PCB 110. PCB 138 and PCB 180 were detected in few samples. Tlic potential exposure to cancerous and non-canceroiis diseases for adults and children from consumption of fmit and vegetables were estimated in terms of estimated daily intake (EDI), hazard quotient (HQ), hazard index (HI) and lifetime cancer risk (LCR). HQ and HI values of detected OPPs, SAPs and P('Bs were < 1 indicating no significant risk, with the exception of the cancer and non-cancer HQ for adults and children from cmamcctin in some samples, besides HI non-cancer and cancer of SAPs for adults from some samples. Additionally, atrazinc. P('B 101.PCB 180. and PC'B 153 recorded safe LCR levels (1x 1 O'4 -1x 1 O'*), with the exception of PCB 138 in anigula.