摘要:Myobolus loyamai is a gills parasite infecting Cyprinus carpio in China. Japan and USA. It has been already known for the controversy for its position between Thehhanellus & Myxoholus. Recently. it was confirmed as ^.xobolus spp. after cxtni-sion of the polar capsule, which is an essential attribute for Myxozoan identification. The cunrcnt article reports the presence of the My^xobolus to-yatnai in India, through trans-boundary movement of fishes. The present article deals with the host specific tendency and evidence of the dispersion with the help of molecular analysis of the 18S gene, resemblance to other isolates from North America & Japan. In addition, tltc study also confinns tlic presence of the second polar capsule through morphological details and extrusion of two polar filaments which supports the species as Myxobolus spp.
关键词:Cyprirtus carpio; Geographical; Myxobolus toyamai; India