摘要:Due lo their presence in high quantity in soil. hca\7 metals arc usually toxic to plants. In this study, we investigated the effect of different Nickel (Ni) concentration on the germination rale and various biochemical parameters of the two different varieties of Basmati Rice. For this purpose, seeds were treated with 0, 250, 500 and 1000 ppm solution of Nickel Chloride. The germination rate of rice decreases which could be due to the cell wall peroxides activity of seedling root of rice. Ni uptake increases with the increase in Ni concentration due to the metabolic activity of the plants. Ni accumulation in seed coat cause Na and Ca contents of rice plants to decrease. A direct correlation among the Ni concentration and the various contents like chlorophyll, caro-(cncs. and protein was found. Results indicated that susceptibility of the two rice varieties i.e. Basmati 370 and Super Basmati towards Ni arc different. It is concluded that although Ni contamination has a significant role in the dietary value of rice, however, the elevated quantity of Ni in soil may be lethal to the growlh of this plant by causing damage to the biological pathways related to different biochemical p:i-rameters investigated here.