摘要:The mining waste dump has emerged as a result of lignite extraction from Ruget quarry. The waste dump should have 6 steps with a total height of 90 m (as designed), but, at present, only 5 steps have been constructed (in different stages of execution) due to cessation of the activity. Since the stability analysis showed a high degree of instability for some steps there are needed specific redesigning works (slope angle reduction, terraces, levelling etc.) as well as hydrotechnical works (central and side collector drains and collector tubes at the base of the dump). At present, no properly designed works to eliminate the risk of landslide (not even consolidation) and no ecological rehabilitation projects are in progress. Thus, in this paper there are proposed and designed stabilization works (by reshaping, construction of rock support walls at the base of the dump etc.), as well as recultivation with specific plants, which aim at eliminating the geotechnical risks in the area and the reintegration of the dump in the surrounding landscape.