摘要:This paper regards the possibility of using the degree of the surface isotropicity to assess the condition of the surface layer friction pair elements. The analysis is based on certain changes in operational and technological surface layer. The methods of constituting the surface layer have been characterized due to the features of geometric surface structure as well as the problem of assessing the condition of surface in terms of functional features and tribological characteristics.The evaluation of the occurring changes in the surface layer have been conducted by performing tribological tests and for descript condition of surfaces the degree of surface isotropicity and weight loss of specimens have been adopted. Whereas the assessment of technological state of the surface layer has been carried out for the surface after its coating. Based on the analysis, it has been found that the use for assessment the condition of surface layer and the degree of the surface isotropicity are useful and it is an alternative way or supplement to classical adoption of a properly selected set of roughness parameters to evaluate the potential functional characteristics of friction couples surfaces.