摘要:The building requires dehumidification for a long period of time in mixed climate zone of China. As a conventional method for dehumidification, vapor compression systems remove the water vapor by cooling the process air below dew point. This system consumes a lot of energy for reheating the air to meet the requirement of supply air temperature. A heat pump combined with two-stage desiccant wheel (TSDW&HP) is proposed as an air conditioning and dehumidification system in this study. The operation performance of proposed system applied in a hypothetical residence with 3 residents was investigated and simulated by using TRNSYS software. The operation modes of the system are discussed for different scenarios of season and outdoor air humidity ratio. In dehumidification season, fresh air deals with all of the latent load. In air conditioning season, fresh air deals with all of the moisture load with part of the cooling load. When evaporation temperature of HP is reduced and more moisture load is processed by evaporator in air conditioning season, there is a balance point between the performance of DWs and heat pump. The energy consumption of TSDW&HP fresh air system was compared with a conventional fresh air conditioner during dehumidification season and air conditioning season. It was found that the energy-saving potential of this system is 27.3% compared with conventional air conditioner.