摘要:Qionghai Lake is the second largest freshwater lake in Sichuan Province. Invasive plants have damaged the ecological balance of Qionghai Lake. Regular investigation and monitoring of invasive alien plants in Qionghai Lake in autumn and winter. Study structural changes and trend changes. Mapping dynamic monitoring of the distribution of invasive plants. Upon investigation, a wide range of invasive plants with a large rits areEupatorium Adenophorum, Lantana camara, Bidens alba(L.) DC, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Pharbitis purpurea(L.) VoisgtandOxalis corniculata L.The introduction of theTagetes erecta Las Ornamental plants, the proliferation occurred because of mismanagement. The number ofMirabilis jalapa L.is very small. Analysis of the way of invasive alien plants into the Qionghai Sea and the measures of prevention and control.