摘要:FRAM: Functional Resonance Analysis Method is an effective way to know about the safety of complex Socio-Technical Systems. However, it is a method rather than model and required to be extended for its practical usage. According to this, in this paper, a latest version of FRAM simulator based on our developed model is presented. The model simulates a process in which variabilities exiting in a working environment induce variability of FRAM functions that emerge out of the dynamic interactions among the functions as well as with the environment. Moreover, the model simulates a process where a specific context composed of variabilities existing in a working environment "shakes" FRAM functions, while the context is "shaken" by those functions vice versa, which is a typical dynamics specific to complex adaptive systems. This is implemented by integrating FRAM and Fuzzy CREAM which is an extended model of CREAM: Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method with fuzzy reasoning. It enables to parameterize the variabilities, define the context, and formulate their interactions quantitatively, whose result is given as a dynamical change of state in each FRAM function.
关键词:KeywordsFunctional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM)safetySocio-Technical Systemscomplex adaptive systems