摘要:Modern education must be of high quality and productive, that is, complementary to accelerated changes in everyday life. Innovation, the basis of which is human knowledge, is universally accepted as a key factor of growth and development in the globalized world. Information and communication technologies, on the one hand, have demolished spatial and temporal barriers, but have, on the other hand, increased integration and interdependence in the world. Many professions today depend on computer technology and technological awareness that have become key skills for professional success. The impacts of new technologies are increasing, both on a personal, corporate, national and global level. Therefore, every modern society has to invest as much of its resources into human and information and communication potential as education, skills, knowledge and business in the network have become key components of productivity of individuals and the economy as a whole. Evidence for this is many developed countries that have achieved their progress precisely thanks to investments in these areas as well as using knowledge and skills of their own human resources. Because of the easily accessible information that is at hand to all interested parties, there has been an expansion of economic espionage as an indispensable part of economic warfare.