摘要:Addressing coastal risks related to sea storms requires an integrative approachwhich combines monitoring stations, forecasting models, early warning systems,and coastal management and planning. Such great effort is sometimes possibleonly through transnational cooperation, which becomes thus vital to face,effectively and promptly, the marine events which are responsible fordamage impacting the environment and citizens' life. Here we present ashared and interoperable system to allow a better exchange of and elaboration oninformation related to sea storms among countries. The proposed integrated websystem (IWS) is a combination of a common data system for sharing oceanobservations and forecasts, a multi-model ensemble system, a geoportal, andinteractive geo-visualisation tools to make results available to the generalpublic. The multi-model ensemble mean and spread for sea level height and wavecharacteristics are used to describe three different sea condition scenarios.The IWS is designed to provide sea state information required for issuing coastalrisk alerts over the analysed region as well as for being easily integratedinto existing local early warning systems. This study describes theapplication of the developed system to the exceptional storm event of29 October 2018 that caused severe flooding and damageto coastal infrastructure in the Adriatic Sea. The forecastedensemble products were successfully compared with in situ observations. Thehazards estimated by integrating IWS results in existing early warning systemswere confirmed by documented storm impacts along the coast of Slovenia,Emilia-Romagna and the city of Venice. For the investigated event, the mostsevere simulated scenario results provide a realistic and conservativeestimation of the peak storm conditions to be used in coastal risk management.