摘要:A novel approach to modelling the surface wind field of landfalling tropical cyclones (TCs) is presented. The modelling system simulates theevolution of the low-level wind fields of landfalling TCs, accounting for terrain effects. A two-step process models the gradient-level wind fieldusing a parametric wind field model fitted to TC track data and then brings the winds down to the surface using a numerical boundary layer model. Thephysical wind response to variable surface drag and terrain height produces substantial local modifications to the smooth wind field provided by theparametric wind profile model. For a set of US historical landfalling TCs the accuracy of the simulated footprints compares favourably withcontemporary modelling approaches. The model is applicable from single-event simulation to the generation of global catalogues. One applicationdemonstrated here is the creation of a dataset of 714 global historical TC overland wind footprints. A preliminary analysis of this dataset showsregional variability in the inland wind speed decay rates and evidence of a strong influence of regional orography. This dataset can be used toadvance our understanding of overland wind risk in regions of complex terrain and support wind risk assessments in regions of sparse historicaldata.