摘要:The aim of this study was to evaluatethe physical activity levels of the caregivers of the schizophrenic patients.Thisresearch was descriptive and was conducted with face-to-face interviews withrelatives of schizophrenia patients enrolled in a Community Mental HealthCenter. The sample of the study consisted of 124 individuals who agreed to participatein the study. Socio-demographic data form and International Physical ActivityQuestionnaire were used for data collection. In order to evaluate thedemographic data of the study, t-test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used inorder to evaluate the relationship between number and percentage distributions,socio-demographic characteristics and International Physical Activityquestionnaire. The mean age of the participants was 38,26 ± 4,26, 61,32%female, 38,68% male, 34,65% married, 81,65% single, 10,47%. 27.49% are primaryschool / middle school, 33% are high school and 29.04% are universitygraduates. When the body mass index of the participants was evaluated, 65.35%were overweight, 54.95% were inactive and 33.85% were given care for 6-10years. When sociodemographic and physical activity levels are compared; 41,17%of women, 19,18% of those with care years 1-5 years and 52,46% of overweightswere found to be inactive in terms of physical activity and the difference wasstatistically significant (p <0,05). In our study, it was observed that thesociodemographic characteristics of the participants significantly affected thephysical activity level.