摘要:Radiocarbon is a critical constraint on our estimates ofthe timescales of soil carbon cycling that can aid in identifying mechanismsof carbon stabilization and destabilization and improve the forecast of soilcarbon response to management or environmental change. Despite the wealth ofsoil radiocarbon data that have been reported over the past 75 years, theability to apply these data to global-scale questions is limited by ourcapacity to synthesize and compare measurements generated using a variety ofmethods. Here, we present the International Soil Radiocarbon Database(ISRaD; http://soilradiocarbon.org, last access: 16 December 2019), an open-source archive of soil data thatinclude reported measurements from bulk soils, distinct soil carbon poolsisolated in the laboratory by a variety of soil fractionation methods,samples of soil gas or water collected interstitially from within an intactsoil profile, CO2 gas isolated from laboratory soil incubations, andfluxes collected in situ from a soil profile. The core of ISRaD is a relationaldatabase structured around individual datasets (entries) and organizedhierarchically to report soil radiocarbon data, measured at differentphysical and temporal scales as well as other soil or environmentalproperties that may also be measured and may assist with interpretation andcontext. Anyone may contribute their own data to the database by entering itinto the ISRaD template and subjecting it to quality assurance protocols.ISRaD can be accessed through (1) a web-based interface, (2) an R package(ISRaD), or (3) direct access to code and data through the GitHubrepository, which hosts both code and data. The design of ISRaD allows forparticipants to become directly involved in the management, design, andapplication of ISRaD data. The synthesized dataset is available in twoforms: the original data as reported by the authors of the datasets and anenhanced dataset that includes ancillary geospatial data calculated withinthe ISRaD framework. ISRaD also provides data management tools in theISRaD-R package that provide a starting point for data analysis; as anopen-source project, the broader soil community is invited and encouragedto add data, tools, and ideas for improvement. As a whole, ISRaD providesresources to aid our evaluation of soil dynamics across a range of spatialand temporal scales. The ISRaD v1.0 dataset isarchived and freely available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2613911 (Lawrence et al., 2019).