摘要:This study aimed to investigate the effect oflinguistic-based awareness on TOEFL iBT readingmodule in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL)context of Iran. For the purpose of the study, viaconvenience sampling, fifty-one male and femaleparticipants aged 19-24, majoring in English and othermajors were selected and assigned to two groups ofexperimental (n = 24) and control (n = 27) and then theywere called upon to take part in four tests, namelyplacement, pre-test, post-test1 and post-test2. Theinstructional intervention which was spread over a periodof 10 sessions targeted working on the reading module ofthe TOEFL iBT through linguistic-based awarenessraising approach alongside the skills while the participantsin the control group were not provided with the treatmentand were just given instruction which aimed at developingreading comprehension based on the skills. Afterwards,the pretest, immediate posttest and delayed posttest resultswere submitted to statistical data analyses. Findings of thestudy showed that first, linguistic- based awarenessraising had a statistically significant effect on Iranian EFLstudents TOEFL iBT reading module scores and thescores on TOEFL iBT reading module could be improvedthrough 10 treatment sessions providing that linguisticbasedexplanations are provided. Further analyses alsorevealed that the proficiency level of the participants aswell as their majors played a significant role in theobtained scores on the reading module of the TOEFL iBT.The findings suggest that the use of linguistic-basedawareness-raising as an approach to teaching readingcomprehension can have beneficial effects in languageteaching pedagogy and L2 learning and the variables ofproficiency and major need to be taken into considerationin TOEFL iBT instructional programs.