摘要:Aim. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the physical exercise and the symptoms ofmultiple sclerosis patients.Methods.This control study was performed to determine the oucomes of aerobic and strength exerciseconcerning the quality of life regarding patients with multiple sclerosis, recurrent-remissive form. Six patients withmultiple sclerosis, aged 18-55 years, with an Expanded Disability Status Scale < 4 completed the study. Every patientwas evaluated through several questionnaires monthly.Results.The results of the patients that practiced sport have improved during the six months, with a beneficialoutcome for their health of body and mind, also improving their quality of life, especially lowering the stages of stressthat they have experienced, which was reflected mostly in lowering depression and anxiety levels.Conclusions.Physical exercise is an important non-pharmacological instrument in multiple sclerosisrehabilitation.
关键词:multiple sclerosis; sport; physical exercise; quality of life