摘要:Camelina Crantz is one of the commonly known seven Cspecies in the Brassi-caccac family and is the only species of economic importance in the genus Camelina. In this study, DMSO extracts of Camelina saliva L. seed oil were obtained. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of these extracts against twenty bacteria and one fungus, respectively, were investigated lusing the disc diffusion method. In addition, the antimicrobial activities of DMSO extracts were analyzed by methods of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactcricidal/bactcriostatic concentration (MBC). Crystal violet binding assay was applied in order to evaluate the biofilm inhibition potential of extracts. DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilhydrazil) method was applied to clarify their antioxidant activity. Finally, Camelina sativa L. seeds were examined under stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to evaluate (he systematic importance of the seed microstructure. In conclusion, it has been found that Staphylococcus epidenniciis is the most sensitive bacteria to seed oil extracts whose antimicrobial activity is determined. 40 pl/ml concentration of seed oil had a higher antioxidant activity than other concentrations. Seed oil extracts of Camelina saliva L. showed the highest antibiofilm activity against Salmonella infanlis and inhibited bionlm formation by 47.45% at a concentration of 80uml.
关键词:Antibiofilm activity;Antimicrobial activity;Antioxidant activity;Cam elina sativa L.;Seed morphology