期刊名称:International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics
摘要:Carbon footprint involves the calculation of direct and/or indirect emissions of fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases (GHG) that lead to greenhouse effect responsible of global warming. The resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) due to the activities of the individuals/institutions emerges into the atmosphere with the consumption of energy. The amount of emissions throughout the world in general and in Turkey, and the main reasons of these emissions is explained in this study. Carbon footprint management and tracking since 1990’s in Turkey are underlined, and carbon tax and carbon trade terminologies are introduced. Scope classification for determining emissions according to three classification of ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Calculation and Validation Management System is described. Scope-1 covers the activities that create direct carbon footprint. In this context, the fossil fuels used by the projects for heating or energy needs and the emissions from the fuels of the vehicles are taken into consideration. Within Scope-2, the carbon footprints of the emissions caused by the electrical energy consumed by the projects are considered. Scope-3 is an indirect carbon footprint and includes emissions from projects that are not directly emission-driven projects. With this study, it is aimed to address the carbon footprint caused by the entire construction sector that extends from the production of construction materials to the construction and post-construction (operation) stages. This sector is focused on due to its significance regarding GHG emissions globally. Emissions from non-owned or uncontrolled sources such as production, transportation, leased assets, outsourced services and disposal of the wastes generated during the construction or operation of the stages of different building typologies are included in the carbon footprint calculations.
关键词:Carbon Footprint; Construction Sector; Climate Change; GHG Emissions; Turkey