摘要:In the operation of supply chains, market demanduncertainty often leads to supply-demand imbalance. In theresearch of supply chain contracts, scholars often consider themarket to be deterministic or random and presume that supplychain participants are rational. However, market demand is notonly random but also fuzzy, especially for short life-cycleproducts with high risk, for which supply chain participantsoften have certain risk preferences when ordering theseproducts. This paper considers a two-echelon supply chainsystem consisting of one supplier and one retailer under fuzzydemand and uses fuzzy mathematics to study the optimaldecision of the risk-averse retailer when he/she takes spotcontracts. First, regarding market demand as a triangular fuzzyvariable, this paper provides a spot purchasing model of therisk-neutral retailer based on the newsboy model. Second, thispaper uses CVaR theory to study the risk-averse retailer’sdecision-making behavior and derives the optimal decision byfuzzy set theory. Finally, a numerical study is provided to verifythe relationships among the parameters, optimal decision andretailer’s profit and shows that the optimal spot order quantityfluctuates between a fuzzy low value and fuzzy high value of thefuzzy market demand represented by the triangular fuzzynumber. It is necessary to consider the fuzziness of marketdemand and retailer’s risk preference when studying someshort life-cycle products.