摘要:Here, the optimal design of the hydraulic buffer isstudied to reduce the recoil force of a sniper grenade launcher.According to the structural characteristics of the weapon, theinstallation scheme and size limitation of the hydraulic bufferare analyzed and calculated. The mathematical model of thehydraulic buffer is established, and the Runge-Kutta method isused. An optimization model is established based on designvariables of the size and spacing of flow hole as well as objectivevalues of buffer efficiency and effect. Moreover, theoptimization model is obtained by a particle swarmoptimization algorithm. The dynamic simulation and shootingtest of the optimized scheme are conducted. The influence ofhydraulic buffer on the movement of weapon components andits cushioning effect is compared with the original weapon. Theresults show that the hydraulic buffer can absorb some recoilenergy of the automatic mechanism and reduce the peakvelocity of each component. The peak recoil force and impulseof the weapon are reduced by 21.0% and 6.5%, respectively.The recoil impact of the weapon is effectively reduced byinstalling a hydraulic buffer.
关键词:sniper grenade launcher; hydraulic buffer; PSO; optimization design; recoil force