摘要:We present an electrochromic device (ECD)fabricated using PEDOT:PSS and grapheneas active conductive electrode films and aflexible compliant polyurethane substratewith 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazoliumbis(trifluoromethyl sulfonyl) imide (EMI-TSFI) additive, as ionic medium. Thisdevice with a docile, elastic intermediatesubstrate along with a transparencycontrolled PEDOT:PSS film provides a widecolor contrast and fast switching rate. Weharness wrinkling instability of graphene toachieve a hydrophobic nature withoutcompromising transparency of the ECD.This mechanical self-assembly approachhelps in controlling the wavelength ofwrinkles generated by inducing measuredpretrain conditions and regulating themodulus contrast by selection of underlyingmaterials used, hereby controlling the extentof transparency. The reduction and oxidationswitching times for the device wereanalyzed to be 5.76 s and 5.34 s for a 90%transmittance change at an operating DCvoltage of 15 ± 0.1 V. Strain dependentstudies show that the performance wasrobust with the device retaining switchingcontrasts even at 15% uniaxial strainconditions.