期刊名称:Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:Cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables in the world because of its adaptability to a wide range of climatic conditions and soil type, ease of production and storage, and its food value. Commercial cultivation of Cabbage is very successful due to high market demand and its medicinal importance to treat gout, deafness, headache and hangovers in the early days. The present study aimed to assess the Knowledge level of cabbage growers towards the recommended package of practices in Budgam District of Jammu and Kashmir, India during the year 2017-18. Ex- post- facto research design was adopted. The study was carried out in purposively selected Zone Chadoora of district Budgam of Jammu and Kashmir State, as having maximum area under cabbage crop. A sample of 120 cabbage growers was selected by proportionate allocation method from randomly selected six villages. The data was collected with the help of a well structured interview schedule. Data derived from the growers was analyzed by employing suitable statistical methods. Twelve independent variables were categorized and studied in relation to dependent variable i.e. knowledge level about cabbage cultivation practices. Majority of the growers had medium knowledge level regarding the recommended package of practices for cabbage cultivation given by SKUAST-Kashmir. Correlation analysis revealed that education, occupation, operational land holding, area under cabbage, experience in cabbage cultivation, net income, mass media exposure and scientific orientation had significant relationship with the knowledge level of cabbage growers whereas the remaining independent variables starting with age had a negative and significant relationship with the knowledge whereas, family size, innovation proneness and extension contact had no significant relationship with the knowledge level of cabbage growers. The identified gaps in farmers practices and recommended cultivation practices may help to give directions to the field level extension workers to manipulate the appropriate factors so as to increase the adoption level. The results of the study will be useful to extension personnel and administrators so that they could know the extent of knowledge and adoption behaviour of cabbage growers. The results could also be used to bridge the gap through intensive training and organizing of other extension activities.