期刊名称:Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:False smut of rice caused by Ustilaginoidea virens is the most devastating disease of rice in different parts of the world including India. The host resistance approach is most important for the management of this disease. In the present investigation, forty-four elite germplasm were screened epiphytotically in kharif 2019-20 at Bihar Agricultural University research farm, Sabour to know disease reaction against the false smut disease of rice. Out of these, seven germplasms viz. RVK-04, RVK-06, RVK-16, BRR-0057, BRR-0060, BRR-0078 and Rajendra Swasini were found immune or highly resistant (HR). Sabour Ardhjal showed resistance (R) reaction with very less percent of disease infection (0.68 %.). Eight germplasms were found moderately resistance (MR) ranges of disease infection 3.24 - 4.81% and six germplasms were showed maximum percent of disease infection (susceptible) i.e., Arize 6444 Gold, Sahbhagi Dhan, RVK-08, RVK-13, RVK-15, BRR-0071 ranged 25.70-26.26 %. The highly resistant genotypes may be further utilized for the development of resistant variety through the rice breeding programme.