摘要:Implementing effective prevention programmes is criticalto prevent tobacco use. Objectives. This study aims toassess the long-term effectiveness of the "SmokeOut-I"programme in the smoking prevention of school-agedadolescents, by gender. Methodology. A quasiexperimental study was conducted including a pre-testand a post-test, as well as an experimental group (N =163) and a control group (N = 148) of adolescentsattending the 6th grade at Braga schools in 2014/2015. Afollow-up was conducted three years later. A self-reportquestionnaire was administered to both groups beforeand after the programme implementation, and at thefollow-up. The programme was only administered tothe experimental group. Results. The programme hasshown long-term effectiveness in preventing smokingexperimentation, and in enhancing smoking refusal skills.There was a lower prevalence of tobacco use andintention to smoke in the experimental group than inthe control group, although not statistically significant.It was found that the experimental groupmaintained adequate knowledge about smokingover time. Conclusions. The positive effects onhealth and on the environment justify the broadimplementation of this programme, which implies theinvolvement and commitment of governmentalinstitutions.
关键词:Smoking; Prevention; Adolescents; Intervention programme; School