摘要:In order to enhance the penetration ability of the rocket and the damage degree of the target, the trajectory design and optimization of the rockets are carried out, and the cooperative strategy of multiple rockets is designed. Firstly, the particle motion model of rocket is established, and the power and guidance scheme are given. Then, a cooperative attack strategy based on different launch points for multiple rockets is proposed, which transforms the cooperative attack into the optimization of launch points. The optimization model of the launch point under the expected attack time is established, and the model is solved by the cultural algorithm. The distribution of the launch point under different attack time is obtained and fitted as curves under corresponding conditions. Finally, aiming at the problem of multiple rockets cooperative combat, using the obtained curves, three kinds of cooperative strategies which are suitable for different attack time requirements are proposed and verified by simulation.
关键词:enmultiple rocketscooperative combattrajectory design and optimizationcultural algorithm