摘要:Background: The aim is to determine the incidence rate of unintentional injuries and its associated factors and determine the pattern of these injuries among laboratory staff in three reference laboratories in Sana’a, Yemen. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among laboratory staff in the three reference laboratories in Sana'a, Yemen. A pretested structured questionnaire was used to collect data on the unintentional injuries during the past 12 months including the type of injury. Results: A total of 93 technicians responded and filled the questionnaires. Of the 93 technicians, 51 (54.8%) technicians reported that they had been injured in the past 12 months. Of all injuries, 38% of technicians were caused by needle sticks, 21% by sharp materials other than needles, 15% by hot materials, 15% by exposure to chemicals, and 11% of them by other exposures. Only 18% of injuries were reported to safety officer in the laboratory. Those who had an experience of <5 years were more likely to experience injury in the past 12 months than those who had 5 years of experience or more (odds ratio = 8.3; 95% confidence interval: 2.2, 27.4; P < 0.005). Conclusions: About half of laboratory technicians in Yemen reported that they had been injured in the past 12 months, with the needle stick being the most common cause of injury. Therefore, there is a need for targeted interventions to laboratory technicians to increase their awareness on the risk of injuries in the laboratory. Bio-safety training among laboratory technicians deemed very necessary.
关键词:enField epidemiology training programlaboratory techniciansmedical laboratoriesunintentional injuriesYemen