摘要:The sediment delivery ratio (SDR) connects the weight of sediments eroded and transported from slopes of a watershed to the weight that eventually enters streams and rivers ending at the watershed outlet. For watershed management agencies, the estimation of annual sediment yield (SY) and the sediment delivery has been a top priority due to the influence that sedimentation has on the holding capacity of reservoirs and the annual economic cost of sediment-related disasters. This study establishes the SEdiment Delivery Distributed (SEDD) model for the Shihmen Reservoir watershed using watershed-wide SDRsubw/sub and determines the geospatial distribution of individual SDRsubi/sub and SY in its sub-watersheds. Furthermore, this research considers the statistical and geospatial distribution of SDRsubi/sub across the two discretizations of sub-watersheds in the study area. It shows the probability density function (PDF) of the SDRsubi/sub. The watershed-specific coefficient (β) of SDRsubi/sub is 0.00515 for the Shihmen Reservoir watershed using the recursive method. The SY mean of the entire watershed was determined to be 42.08 t/ha/year. Moreover, maps of the mean SY by 25 and 93 sub-watersheds were proposed for watershed prioritization for future research and remedial works. The outcomes of this study can ameliorate future watershed remediation planning and sediment control by the implementation of geospatial SDRsubw/sub/SDRsubi/sub and the inclusion of the sub-watershed prioritization in decision-making. Finally, it is essential to note that the sediment yield modeling can be improved by increased on-site validation and the use of aerial photogrammetry to deliver more updated data to better understand the field situations.