摘要:Cobalt-tungsten (Co-W) film is widely used as theprotective layer on steel substrates because of its excellentproperties. To further improve a certain aspect of such film, itwas necessary to study the relationship between its structureand performance. Co-W film was prepared by electrodepositionand the film tungsten content changed by varying the duty cycle.Based on the single primary battery principle, it was difficult toshow the film’s microstructure, due to galvanic protection bythe PCrNi 3 MoVA steel substrate during the corrosion process.Thus, a new corrosive method for the Co-W film was proposedbased on double primary batteries principle. Based on thismethod, corrosion effects with different tungsten contents andtwo corrosive methods were studied. The results showed thatthe corrosive method based on the double primary batteriesprinciple successfully displayed the Co-W film structure andthe effects of the wiping corrosive method better than the directcorrosive method.
关键词:Co-W film; Single primary battery; Double
primary batteries; Tungsten content; Direct corrosive method;
Wiping corrosive method