摘要:This paper is concerned with the mean squareasymptotically boundedness control of hybrid stochastic systemswith Markovian switching from discrete-time observations.Firstly, by using generalized Itô formula, stochastic analysis formartingale and Holder’s inequality, the mean square asymp-totically boundedness of the controlled system with commonlinear feedback control function is discussed. Secondly, by ap-plying stochastic analysis for martingale and Cauchy-Schwarzinequality, the mean square asymptotically boundedness of thecontrolled system with the general form control function isstudied. Finally, numerical examples are provided to showthe usefulness of the proposed mean square asymptoticallyboundedness criterion.
关键词:Hybrid stochastic system; feedback control
function; mean square asymptotically boundedness; discrete-
time observations.