摘要:The fracture vuggy carbonate reservoirs always have complex geological environment, and Tahe o ilfie ld in China is one o f the most representative. The reservoir temperature is as high as 150 °C, and the total salinity o f formation water is about 2.5x105 mg/L. In this study, a new naphthol gel plugging agent w ith temperature and salt resistance was developed, and the basic performance o f which was evaluated in laboratory. The best formula o f which was determined as 0.3 wt% 1,5- dihydroxynaphthol + 1.0 wt% acrylamide/2 -acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid(AM /AM PS) + 0.3 wt% thiourea + 0.5 wt% fiber-A, and the pH o f system was 8.0. Moreover, The experimental results revealed that the new naphthol gel was suitable for the reservoir at 120-140 °C, and the gel strength reached H grade. The dehydration rate o f which was below 1.1%. Under the condition o f 2.5^105 m g/L mineralization, the dehydration rate o f which was s till less than 3.0%. The gel was s till stable after aging for 100 days at high temperature and salt. The scanning electron microscopy showed that the new naphthol gel had a dense three-dimensional network structure, which is relatively stable. The new naphthol gel m ainly pluged the water layer, but not the o il layer. The water plugging rate was as high as 99.82%, while the o il plugging rate was only 11.7%.
关键词:Reservoir;Tem perature and salt resistance;Perform ance evaluation;O ptim ization;D ehydration rate;G eological environm ent